Sharing knowledge and skills by building tutorials, cheatsheets and livehacks in an easy way with your phone and by fixed templates by the audience itself. The audience gets rewarded by others and are able to compliment or critize other tutorials. With these compliments the audience can earn more point in the form of udots and gain in level. The more you post the more udots you receive. The better your posts are the more populair you'll be. You can follow(pupil) others and others can follow you(tutor). You can earn extra pins by completing certain achievements. The higher in level the more you'll be able to do.
This app starts with the regular consumers. After proven concept it will be further developed to deliver Business apps, to train their own people internally with the help of tutorials made by their own people.
What makes this app so unique
- The easy way of making a tutorial and sharing it with the whole world. Nothing is impossible anymore.
- Everybody gets motivated to build tutorials because of the fun rewards.
- People are motivated to share only usefull information because of the critical readers.
- Should it not be great to quickly search a tutorial how to do you'r tie or how to make that little rose on the cake.
- We can learn from each other in a fun and easy way
Why we need your support
- Complete Functional and Technical Design
- Development for Android
- Development for business app and marketing
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