Tips and tricks

5 TIPS to create a successful campaign

Facts tell, stories sell. So tell a story.

A good and personal story is most probably the best strategy in order to achieve engagement. Share with the audience the obstacles you faced, or are still facing in getting where you are now with your project.  Did a major life event influence your career or life? Include your story in your crowdfunding pitch to make a connection with backers and encourage engagement.

You don't find or have a personal angle for your app-project?  Explain what problem your app solves, what triggered you in getting to the idea behind your app, why it will stand out of the crowd, ...

Offer rewards you too would be excited about.

When drafting your reward, reflect on whether the reward would appeal to yourselves.  Ask friends, family members and business acquaintances for their honest opinions as well.

You need some help in creating great rewards?  We have listed some ideas just under this section!

Video is a killer-engager. Use it.

People like to get the point in a brief but strong personal video message, in compelling product trailers, ...Such worked in the past, and will continue to do in the future. A well-made 60-seconds video message is a much powerful tool than lines and lines of text.

People like social proof. Get influencers on board.

Many people don’t want to be the first or only supporter of a crowdfunding campaign, and will typically wait to see other people getting involved first before acting themselves. Sure, if everyone thinks likewise, you risk seeing your campaign not taking off.

Do you have someone notable as an adviser, backer or endorser of your project? If so, don't wait to share it with the crowd.

Start a conversation with your supporters.

Interact with your audience through frequent updates, thank-you emails,  posts on your social media-channels,  Answer their questions.  Give feedback on their comments and suggestions. Show your appreciation for their contribution. Make it two-way, people also like to talk :)

OKAY, roger that! Let's get started!


5 IDEAS to create great campaign-rewards

Offer special accounts within the app.

Offer funders more functionality or special privileges within the app. Additional game levels, ...

Give credits to your funders.

Some people just want to get some recognition through a thank-you message in your app-credits, on your app-website, Facebook fanpage, ..

Give funders access behind the scene.

Make them a VIP at your launch party, organize a personal meet-and greet, have an in-depth Skype-chat with you and your team, ...

Offer collector-items.

Your fist design sketches, a canvas with a nicely designed character that will figure in your app, ...

T-shirts, caps, coffee cups, the job as well.

Think of stickers, t-shirt or coffee mugs or other nice-to-haves.  Sure, they cost some money, but their cost is small when considering the value of the reward funders bought them for.

A revenue share for apps with a well-defined revenue model

This is part of basic offering. Just decide how much of your total funding target you want to collect by offering a revenue share. Add other rewards when needed.

Thanks for this help. Let me start!


5 MUST DO's to create buzz for your campaign

Share, share and share.

Social media is out there, use it. Create a dedicated fanpage on Facebook,  accounts on Twitter, pages on Google+, ...Insert the available project widget on your blog, website, ... Send a personal email about your campaign to your friends, family, ...Share your video on Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion ...All these are easy, cheap and quick to get organized. What you need is time and motivation :)

Ask your funders for help in promoting.

Your funders are your most precious assets in marketing your project. Ask them to share their belief in their network.

Use the pre-laucnh marketing service PreApps

PreApps is one of great partners. Their service allows you to gain interest, feedbacks, suggestions, ...for your app before it hits the stores.

Speak about your project at meetups, meetings, ...

There's also an offline world out there :) When attending Meetups, events, ...don't be afraid to connect with people and talk about your adventure.

Post and share updates.

Your funders will receive the updates in their mailbox. Each new update is an opportunity to get new people to support your project

Update when you changed your pitch,  when your project was covered in the media, when you have reached a certain amount, milestone, ...

Got tthe message. Let's get it done!
