Copixit - CoPixit


Copixit from CoPixIt on Vimeo.

CoPixit is a Photo-to-physical book app that conveniently enables users to socially create and edit picture books. Images are voted by contributors. The best images will form a publishable book.

The profit of a published book can be donated to charities (API to or to individuals. Shoot, vote, publish a physical picture book with or without text.

CoPixit books are viable for any theme fx. travels, cookbooks, events etc. The picture contributors for a book are scalable from one
to thousands. CoPixit books are standardized to one size and one layout so the focus is on publishing books and not editing them.

What makes this app so unique

  • CoPixit will be the first Photo-to-physical book app in the world.

Why we need your support

  • Build the app
  • market the app


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$ 0,00
/ $ 20.000,00 funded

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$ 0 / $ 20000 funded

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