Phone Alone - Phone Alone

Het verhaal achter dit project

Are you anxious about loosing your Iphone? Has it happened once before and afraid it will happen again? Are you someone who's easily distracted and looses stuff all the time? Here's an app in which your Iphone reminds you not to leave him behind anywhere. The app will warn you by a signal, whether it's a vibration or a tune or your flash, every 10 minutes or so. You can adjust the time between every signal.

Wat maakt deze app zo uniek

  • This app is unique in it's simplicity. It shouldn't be hard to develop. You can keep it cheap to download but offers the user a means not to loose his expensive device!

Waarom we uw steun nodig hebben

  • completed design of visual interfaces, screenshots

Neem deel aan dit succesverhaal



Neem deel aan crowdfunding voor

Phone Alone

$ 25,00
/ $ 5.000,00 gefinancierd

1 Investeerders

69 resterende dagen

Powered by AppsFunder


$ 25 / $ 5000 gefinancierd

1 Investeerders

69 resterende dagen

  • completed design of visual interfaces, screenshots - $ 5000

    1 %

    • $ 0
    • $ 5000
    • Deel mee in de opbrengst
    Steun $ 25 Krijg $ 40 van de appstore verkoop