Heart Rate Zone Game - Spinning Challenge - Kenneth Kammersgaard

Het verhaal achter dit project

In this extension you see a course where you have to follow a specified pulse which changes in stages. You are supposed to stay within the green zone, which has a tolerence margin of a few percent to each side. The next zone is marked in orange and the last zone is red. The more you are able to say inside the green field the more points you score. The three lines at the top are colored according to the user's heart rate zone. This way, it is easy to see what zone you and your opponents are in.

This becomes an extension to the app Spinning Challenge - Basic functionality

In addition to this extension will also get: 
Spinning Challenge - Create Exercise Session
Spinning Challenge - Motivation functionality
Spinning Challenge - Heart Rate Zone Game

Wat maakt deze app zo uniek

  • This app takes the already successful competitive aspect of workouts and combines it with a social element.

Waarom we uw steun nodig hebben

  • Development of first version

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Neem deel aan crowdfunding voor

Heart Rate Zone Game - Spinning Challenge

kr 400,00
/ kr 5.000,00 gefinancierd

3 Investeerders

90 resterende dagen

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Approved by an Expert

kr 400 / kr 5000 gefinancierd

3 Investeerders

90 resterende dagen

  • Development of first version - kr 5000

    8 %

    • kr 0
    • kr 5000
    • Deel mee in de opbrengst
    Steun kr 100 Krijg kr 160 van de appstore verkoop Steun kr 1000 Krijg kr 1800 van de appstore verkoop Steun kr 10000 Krijg kr 22000 van de appstore verkoop