Het verhaal achter dit project
I will not go into much detail yet but pretty much the name says it all. Imagine social networking photo sharing game app. Ya thats what im looking to build with a little help. Any little bit of help to build this app would be greatly appreciated even if its not money. Thank you again anyways.
Wat maakt deze app zo uniek
- This app is unique because it is the first of its kind. Doing the research I have found nothing similar and nothing that comes close to it. This game would get the audience for photo sharing and also get the game players involved. Wouldn't it be nice to have fun messing with other peoples photos and be able to share them and talk about the photos? wouldnt it be fun to get coins from competition of who has the best photos even when you are a target for getting your photo messed with?
Waarom we uw steun nodig hebben
- Create the perfect layout
- Make the game come to life
- To share this game with the world
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Neem deel aan crowdfunding voor
$ 0,00
/ $ 150.000,00 gefinancierd
0 Investeerders
5 resterende dagen
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