I am creating an app which is the perfect app for visualising your dreams. With the advent of the popularity of The Secret by Rhonda Byrne and with John Assaraf's I have idea of visualising what you want and letting the Law of Attraction work it's Magic. It has now grown into so much more, with the ability to turn school projects into visually appealing and dynamic creations, that can be shared via many outlets. Web designers can use it to mock up wireframes and designs and easily send it to clients or share the screen remotely. Interior designers can show off room designs and new colour schemes.
Cette app est unique parce que?
- This app is unique on so many levels that it can be used by so many different people and can be marketed as different items if needed. I am a Web Designer, Social Media and SEO Marketer and entrepreneur and have my heart set on making this project work.
Pourquoi nous avons besoin de votre soutien
- App Development
- Web Application
- Marketing
Devenir un investisseur
Investir dans ce projet
Rejoindre le crowdfunding pour
Vision Board
$ 200,00
/ $ 7.000,00 investi(s)
1 Investisseurs
21 jours restant
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