mb dating... - myers-briggs dating app


For those who are looking for compatibility based on their myers-briggs profile, in addition to other qualities known for relationship success.

Hvad gør denne app unik?

  • No apps on the market from what I can see that combines myers briggs with other traditionally known qualities for successful relationships.

Vi har brug for din støtte til

  • App development
  • Market the app for single people
  • integrate social networking components to meet

Er du med på ideen?



Deltag i crowdfunding for

mb dating...

$ 0,00
/ $ 30.000,00 finansieret

0 Funders

67 dage tilbage

Powered by AppsFunder


$ 0 / $ 30000 finansieret

0 Funders

67 dage tilbage

  • App development - $ 10000

    0 %

    • $ 0
    • $ 10000
    • Få en belønning
    Invester $ 10
    Maksimal belønning til rådighed: 100
    equity sharing for those involved in making this project work. Investors and developers.
    • Få andel i indtægterne
    Invester $ 25 Og få op til $ 40 igen

  • Næste milepæl
    Market the app for single people - $ 10000
  • Næste milepæl
    integrate social networking components to meet - $ 10000