Eye Phone is an app that will allow the user to focus the screen to their eyes so they will not need to squint or wear reading glasses while using their phone or tablet.
As currently designed in the technical drawings and 3-D models, the app has unique features not presently available in the marketplace. Although the programming has not yet been developed and is still in the developmental stages, an explanation of possible operation is as follows: The primary function of Eye Phone is to help the user better see, read, and type on their phone or tablet. The user will be able to adjust the phone or tablet screen to their eyesight. Since the user will not always be the same distance from their phone or tablet, the user can have several different focus settings saved to the app. This will allow the user to quickly and easily adjust the screen for their eyes. The user will have the option to focus the screen three different ways, by prescription strength, an eye chart or manually adjusting the screen.
Mr. O’ Connor envisions his product appealing to multitudes of consumers worldwide who use their “smart phones” not only for communication but also for innovative solutions. The markets are extensive for an ingenious app like Eye Phone; Google Play and iTunes are the most popular app stores in the primary market and are the ideal places to market this app. However, for the Android version of the app there are several new stores popping all over the cyber world such as, AppsLib, Samsung Apps, F-Droid, Slide ME, GetJar, and Amazon App Store for Android. Mr. O’ Connor wishes to leave the market open for subsequent variances and possibilities that could improve the feasibility and marketability of his product.
Hvad gør denne app unik?
- Currently there is nothing on the market like this and over 14 million Americans alone need glasses. That number goes up to 125 million worldwide. That is a lot of potential app buyers.
- What Problem(s) Does it Solve?
- The unique features of this app will provide the following benefits for all consumers:
- • Allows the user to adjust the phone or tablet screen to their eyesight
- • Saves the user time and energy by not having to squint to read their phone or tablet
- • Gives the user 3 different options to adjust the screen
Vi har brug for din støtte til
- To Raise $10,000 to finish programming
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