Ret simpelt. Det er en ugenummer app. Appen er allerede udkommet, og den er allerede blevet downloadet over 250.000 gange og giver ca. 5.000 kr. om måneden i indtægter. Den kan dog blive endnu bedre (og bedre end andre ugenummer apps) med et par til…
Have you ever felt the frustration of trying to translate a signpost, newspaper, or menu on holiday, and feel as if you look foolish flicking through a phrasebook trying to find the answer? With our visual translater, travelers everywhere never have to…
How this great worldwide movement begun ... We entered a little coffeehouse with a friend of mine and gave our order. While we were approaching our table two people came in and went the counter. “Five coffees, please. Two of them for us and three s…
Do you remember the feeling when you postponed doing something important? Something which makes importance for whole day? Do you also have difficulties making day to day decisions? Prioritize Me! helps you to easily prioritize your ideas and day-to-da…
Videoøvelser til baby – styrk motorikken gennem leg Formålet med Minimotions videoøvelser er at give forældre gode grundlæggende sansemotoriske lege og øvelser, der giver deres barn et godt fundament for dets kropslige – og personlige udvikli…
Bogen "Peter Puslespil", nu som underholdende og lærerig app! Det er vigtigt at børnene i 2-5 års alderen får udviklet deres sprog og forståelse for kroppen. Det at benytte rim og billeder øger indlæringen og gør det til en leg. Hvad handle…
Revolutionize search using images. App that lets you search and buy online whatever you see in the physical world. Plugs into superfish API, which integrates with the largest shopping sites. Revenue model: monetize through…
Jogging on the Spot is an application that is designed for the person who is on-the-go and does not always have the time to visit the gym or go for a run. J.O.T.S. tracks your time and circuit laps based on your speed while you mimic the actions of the …
What's the story? Follow Nina the dog on her journey through the tough streets of New York. This RPG style game allows you to meet new friends, collect bones (Points) use your bones to purchase items in the games store. Buy clothes, treats, additional …
The riches are in the niches. We have built a quiz/trivia platform that we plan to use for various niches. One extremely underserved niche is trivia around NFL teams. There are some quizzes in the store, that are poorly designed and developed, have…