General questions

What is AppsFunder?

AppsFunder is a new way to fund mobile apps. We operate on a unique all-or-nothing funding method where projects must be fully funded or no money is transferred.


Are you an investment fund?

AppsFunder is not an investment fund that invests itself in projects. Thanks to our global partners, we do offer access to structural financial partners that can secure follow-up investment rounds. These partners all recognise and valuate the power of crowdfunding.


You use all-or-nothing funding?

Every milestone of a project must be fully funded before its time expires or no money changes hands.

  • It's less risk for everyone. If you need $15,000, it's tough having $5,000 and people expecting you to complete a $15,000 project.
  • It allows people to test concepts without risk. If you don't receive the support you want, you're not compelled to go on.
  • It motivates. If people want to see a project come to life, they're going to spread the word.

Why funding with milestones?

  • Project owners get part of their total funding need quicker.
  • Funders get more confidence in the project as more milestones are successfully funded.


What are rewards and revenue shares?

REWARDS: funders get a pack of rewards and perks, defined per amount by the project owner.

REVENUE SHARES: for pledges between $25.00 and $100.00, funders are offered a revenue share with a MULTIPLE RETURN from the sales generated by the app..


What are milestones?

Reaching milestones is an essential part of a successful project development. It motivates both creators and funders. Together with the project owner, BelieversFund defines appropriate and measurable milestones for each project. The funding process proceeds only of a milestone has been achieved, and can be evidenced.


What is the return funders get?

REWARDS: funders get a pack of rewards and perks in return. They are defined by the project owner, per amount.

REVENUE SHARES: for pledges between $25.00 and $100.00, funders are offered a MULTIPLE RETURN from the sales generated by the app..



Do funders become shareholder of the project?

No. Project owners keep 100% ownership of their company or project.


Can believers claim rights on patents or any other IP?

No, all patents and other IPs remain 100% owned by the project owner.


What are the fees you charge?

We charge 8% on the collected funds per milestone for successfully funded projects.

We also receive 5% of all app-revenues made by the ap once published.


What are the charges of the payment providers?

There is a 4% charged on the pre-orders made by funders. Project owners are not charged anything when receiving the collected funds on their PayPal-account.
