• Overview

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Reverse auction app, where people post a product or a service they would like to buy and then vendors compete for the lowest bid on these products or services. just a simple reverse auction but on mobile.

What makes this app so unique

  • Reverse auction is not widely available or use-able on mobiles as it is on the web, so this app will bring the benefits and the functionality of reverse auctions to mobile!

Why we need your support

  • Protoype
  • basic app with auctions
  • Fully functional app with users & auctions

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$ 0,00
/ $ 12.000,00 funded

0 Funders

85 days left

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$ 0 / $ 12000 funded

0 Funders

85 days left

  • Protoype - $ 1000

    0 %

    • $ 0
    • $ 1000
    waiting for approval
    • Get a share in revenues
    Support $ 25,00 Get $ 40 from appstore sales

  • coming soon
    basic app with auctions - $ 3500
  • coming soon
    Fully functional app with users & auctions - $ 7500